Author: Carl Ellis
Title: A Letter from Ike
Type of Work: parody song lyrics
Source: CMv1 #8
© Copyright 2002 Carl Ellis
Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda,
here I am in, Colorada.
Life here is,entertaining,
they say we'll have fun
if it ever stops snowing.
Space Aliens, took me away,
because I followed, Kyle to his bus one day.
You remember my brothers friend Kenny,
he's been killed several times too many.
Take me home,
dear Mudda, Fadda, take me home
I hate Colorada
Don't leave me, in camp jewbilie,
where, I might, get eaten by a bear.
Take me home, what do you say,
with fecal matter, I will not play
Oh please don't make me stay,
I've been here one whole day.
You know Kyle, one day maybe,
he will quit playing, kick the baby.
You remember Big Gay Al,
they kicked him out of the mountain scouts.
Mr. Garrison, thinks we're sissies,
so reads to us from something called Ulysses
Take me home,
dear Mudda, Fadda, take me home
I hate Colorada
Don't leave me, in camp jewbilie,
where, I might, get eaten by a bear.
Take me home,
I promise I will not make noise,
or mess the house with other boys
Oh please don't make me stay,
I've been here one whole day.
Wait a minute it stopped snowing
Eric's swimming, Stan is sailing
Playing dodgeball, gee that's better,
mudda fadda kindly disregard this letter.