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Author: Lindy
Title: Anticipation
Type of Work: poem
Source: CMv1 #40

© Copyright 2002 Lindy

it is the first.
and you will come to me
in eighteen days.
you, who slakes my thirst,
you will arrive on wings
with the sun's rays.
it's been a year
that i have known
your most intimate thoughts.
it is a year,
in which i've grown
and you've revealed the things you taught.

i am your eager pupil,
and you are my
teacher true.
and i am still
amazed and shy
whene'er i look at you.
for when you look at me,
i like the way
i see you smile.
i like the way that i can be
in your laughter
for a long while.

this wicked anticipation
wearies me,
yet thrills me with it's tune.
it covers me
with shivers
when i think it will be soon.
soon i'll feel
your touch again;
soon i'll kiss your lips.
soon i'll kneal
at your feet;
into your arms i'll slip.

you show me a face
that the rest
would never recognize.
i could not replace
your love,
nor the magic in your eyes.
it is the first.
and you will come
to me, but not too fast.
and when you
leave me this time,
let it be for the very last.

(written september 1, 2002....a heartfelt prayer, in anticipation, for you -Lindy)