WS Comics Lab Header

Authority Logo 2
There has to be someone left to save the world.

Authority01wraparound.bmp (142158 bytes)
The Circle:          #1
Authority02.jpg (7473 bytes)
Authority03.jpg (10526 bytes)
Authority04.jpg (11108 bytes)
Shiftships: Authority05.jpg (8938 bytes)
Authority06.jpg (8939 bytes)
Authority07.jpg (10367 bytes)
Authority08.jpg (10196 bytes)
Outer Dark: Authority09.jpg (10182 bytes)
Authority10.jpg (21902 bytes)
Authority11.jpg (19794 bytes)
Authority12.jpg (18977 bytes)

AuthorityLogo2.bmp (66666 bytes)
They're going to save the world . . . no matter who they have to kill.

The Nativity: Authority013.JPG (27685 bytes)
Authority014.JPG (25471 bytes)
Authority015.JPG (33569 bytes)
Authority016.JPG (25863 bytes)
Earth Inferno: Authority017.JPG (25221 bytes)
Authority018.JPG (29448 bytes)
Authority019.JPG (15617 bytes)
Authority020.JPG (19049 bytes)

All Tomorrow's Parties, a prelude to
The Monarchy

Authority021.JPG (21738 bytes)
Brave New World: Authority022.JPG (22965 bytes)

Jenny Sparks Logo
JennySparksSHOTA1a.JPG (27371 bytes)
#1, cover A
JennySparksSHOTA1b.JPG (30317 bytes)
#1, cover B
JennySparksSHOTA2.JPG (30860 bytes)
JennySparksSHOTA3.JPG (23413 bytes)
JennySparksSHOTA4.JPG (27225 bytes)
JennySparksSHOTA5.JPG (22500 bytes)

AuthorityLogo2.bmp (66666 bytes)

AuthorityAnnual2000.JPG (21295 bytes)
Annual 2000
Devil's Night, part 3

AuthorityLogo2.bmp (66666 bytes)

Planetary-TheAuthority-RulingTheWorld.JPG (29410 bytes)
Planetary / The
Authority: Ruling
The World

AuthorityLogo2.bmp (303050 bytes)
Collected Editions

AuthorityRelentlessTPB.JPG (29962 bytes)
Relentless TPB
collects #1-8
AuthorityUnderNewManagement.JPG (23602 bytes)
Under New Management TPB
collects #9-16

Who is "The Authority"?

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