WS Comics Lab Header
[v.1 thru #10]  [v.1 #11-30]  [v.1 #31-50]  [Wildcats (v.2)]
[Grifter]  [other 'Cats]  [Miscellany]  [Crossovers & Collections]

WildCATsV1Logo.gif (40788 bytes)

BigBruisers1.JPG (28509 bytes)
Big Bruisers #1
(all Image)
app: Maul
BrigadeV1n00.JPG (35923 bytes)
Brigade #0
app: Emp
BrigadeV2n11.JPG (40788 bytes)
Brigade, v.2 #11
app: WildC.A.T.s
BrigadeV2n12.JPG (37596 bytes)
Brigade, v.2 #12
app: WildC.A.T.s
DeadlyDuoV1n2.JPG (35014 bytes)
Deadly Duo, #2
app: Maul
JLAWildCATs.bmp (72130 bytes)
JLA/WildC.A.T.s #1
KillerInstinctTourBook.JPG (20444 bytes)
Killer Instinct
Tour Book
(signed by all 13
Shadowhawk13.JPG (30247 bytes)
ShadowHawk #13
The Monster Within,
part 2
app: WildC.A.T.s
SpawnWildCATs1.bmp (71106 bytes)
SpawnWildCATs2.bmp (72130 bytes)
SpawnWildCATs3.bmp (71106 bytes)
SpawnWildCATs4.bmp (71106 bytes)

See StormWatch, V.2 / Misc. for WildC.A.T.s/Aliens.

WildCATsXMenLogo.bmp (145254 bytes)
WildCATsXMenGolden1aSigned.bmp (71106 bytes)
Golden Age,
cover A (signed:
Travis Charest)
WildCATsXMenGolden1b.bmp (71106 bytes)
Golden Age,
cover B
WildCATsXMenGolden1-3D.bmp (71106 bytes)
Golden Age,
3D Edition,
cover A
WildCATsXMenGolden1b3D.JPG (29717 bytes)
Golden Age,
3D Edition,
cover B
WildCATsXMenGolden1c.JPG (19197 bytes)
Golden Age,
2nd Printing
WildCATsXMenSilver1a.bmp (71106 bytes)
Silver Age,
cover A
WildCATsXMenSilver1b.bmp (71106 bytes)
Silver Age,
cover B
WildCATsXMenSilver1a3D.JPG (33864 bytes)
Silver Age,
3D Edition,
cover A
WildCATsXMenSilver1-3D.bmp (71106 bytes)
Silver Age,
3D Edition,
cover B
WildCATsXMenModern1a.bmp (72130 bytes)
Modern Age,
cover A
WildCATsXMenModern1b.bmp (72130 bytes)
Modern Age,
cover B
WildCATsXMenModern1-3D.bmp (72130 bytes)
Modern Age,
3D Edition,
cover A
WildCATsXMenModern1b3D.JPG (30716 bytes)
Modern Age,
3D Edition,
cover B
WildCATsXMenDark1a.bmp (71106 bytes)
Dark Age
WildCATsXMenTPB.bmp (71106 bytes)

The planned variant cover for WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Dark Age was never published. (?)

ZealotImprint.gif (10614 bytes)
Collected Editions

WildCATsCompendiumHC.JPG (36388 bytes)
WildC.A.T.s HC
shipped with #0
WildCATsCompendiumTPB.jpg (11220 bytes)
WildC.A.T.s TPB

WildCatsTrilogyTPB.jpg (9423 bytes)

[Trilogy #1-3]
WildCATsGatheringOfEaglesTPB.bmp (72130 bytes)
A Gathering of
WildCATsHomecomingTPB.bmp (72130 bytes)

WildCATsGangWarTPB.bmp (71106 bytes)
Gang War


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All of the titles, their logos, characters, and related indicia are ®, ™, and © Copyright 1992-2000 by WildStorm Productions, an imprint of DC Comics.

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