WS Comics Lab Header

Team7Logo.bmp (207954 bytes)
Team7-01A.bmp (71106 bytes)
#1, cover A
Team7-01b.bmp (71106 bytes)
#1, cover B
Team7-01Ashcan.JPG (14199 bytes)
#1, Ashcan
Team7-02.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7-03.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7-04.bmp (71106 bytes)

Team7Logo.bmp (207954 bytes)
Objective: Hell

Team7ObjHell1.bmp (71106 bytes)
WildStorm Rising
Team7ObjHell2.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7ObjHell3.bmp (71106 bytes)

Team7Logo.bmp (207954 bytes)
Dead Reckoning

Team7DeadReck1.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7DeadReck2.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7DeadReck3.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team7DeadReck4.bmp (71106 bytes)

Gen12Logo.bmp (212910 bytes)
Gen12-01.bmp (71106 bytes)
Gen12-02.bmp (71106 bytes)
Gen12-03.bmp (71106 bytes)
Gen12-04.bmp (71106 bytes)
Gen12-05.bmp (71106 bytes)

KindredLogo.bmp (67250 bytes)
Kindred1.bmp (71106 bytes)
Kindred2.bmp (71106 bytes)
Kindred3a.bmp (71106 bytes)
#3, cover A
Kindred3b.bmp (71106 bytes)
#3, cover B
Kindred4.bmp (71106 bytes)

The Overstreet Price Guide lists a variant cover for #2, however no one I've talked to (including Comic Shop owners in 5 states) ever remembers seeing one.

Team7Logo.bmp (207954 bytes)
Team X / Team 7

TeamXTeam7.bmp (71106 bytes)

Team7Logo.bmp (207954 bytes)
Collected Editions

Team7TPB.bmp (71106 bytes)
Team 7 (1st mini)
KindredTPB.JPG (29257 bytes)
The Kindred

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All of the titles, their logos, characters, and related indicia are ®, ™, and © Copyright 1992-2000 by WildStorm Productions, an imprint of DC Comics.

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