Sentinels of the Multiverse logo

UPDATED 1 July 2024. More Fanart. You can find me at GtG Forums, BGG, and Discord under the yakguardian/Yak Guardian Screenname.
Deck Tracker -- SotM Stuff



Jump to:

    Official/Licensed Heroes:
        Cauldron | Sentinels of Earth Prime | Sentinels of the Multiverse
    Yak's Heroes:
        Crossover Crisis | Heroes of the Golden Age | Christmas Caper | Yak's Miscellany
    S.C.P.D. Founders' Heroes:
        Bastión Comics by Talkalots (John Ellis) | Case Files by Bobbertoriley322 (Rob Brown)
        Menagerie of the Multiverse by Insomn (Mike Williams) | Spooky Ghostwriter Comics by Tesla Coil
    and a whole bunch of other Heroes:
        Adelphophage's Archives | ...



(0) Sentinels of the Multiverse by Greater than Games

1) Legacy

2) Wraith

3) Bunker

4) Tachyon

5) Absolute Zero

6) Fanatic

7) Haka

8) Ra

9) Tempest

10) Visionary

11) Expatriette

12) Mister Fixer

13) Argent Adept

14) Nightmist

15) Chrono-Ranger

16) Omnitron-X

17) Captain Cosmic

18) Sky-Scraper

19) Unity

20) Scholar

21) Naturalist

22) K.N.Y.F.E.

23) Parse

24) Setback

25) SW Sentinels

26) Guise

27) Akash'Thryia

28) Harpy

29) La Comodora

30) Lifeline

31) Luminary

32) Benchmark

33) Doctor Medico

34) Idealist

35) Mainstay

36) Writhe

37) Stuntman

1-b) Young Legacy

1-c) Grandpa Legacy

1-d) Puzzler Legacy
OblivAeon ARG

1-e) Legacy of

3-b) G.I. Bunker

3-c) Bunker
Freedom 6

6-b) Fanatic
XTreme Prime Wardens

7-b) Haka
XTreme Prime Wardens

8-b) Urban Ra:
Sun God for Hire

8-c) Ra

9-b) Tempest
Xtreme Prime Wardens

13-b) Argent Adept
XTreme Prime Wardens

17-b) Captain Cosmic
XTreme Prime Wardens

31-b) Heroic Luminary

32-b) Supply & Demand

37-b) Stuntman
Action Hero



(1) The Cauldron by tosx (Matthew Bishop)

101) Baccarat

104) Doc Havoc

111) Knight

112) Lady of the Wood

114) Malichae

115) Necro

117) Quicksilver

118) Starlight

119) Stranger

120) Tango One

123) Vanish

102) Cricket

103) Cypher

122) Titan

106) Echelon

110) Impact

113) Magnificent Mara

115) Drift

107) Gargoyle

109) Gyrosaur

116) Pyre

121) Terminus

108) Golem

102-b) Cricket of

111-b) Young Knight

118-b) Nightlore Council Starlight



(2) Sentinels of Earth Prime by Greater than Games & Green Ronin

201) Bowman

202) Captain Thunder

203) Daedalus

204) Doctor Metropolis

205) Eldritch

206) Johnny Rocket

207) Lady Liberty

208) Lantern Jack

209) Pseudo

210) Raven

211) Siren

212) Star Knight

201-b) Bowman of







(3) Crisisverse by YakGuardian (Michael J. Ahlers)

Crisisverse: Crossover Crisis

300) Bardac

301) Fatale
Dane, Callahan, Cash, Chang, Fairchild, Slayton, Lynch, Cray

302) Team 7

303) Violet Parr

304) Yak Guardian
Robin, Superboy, Impulse, The Secret, Arrowette, Wondergirl

305) Young Justice

306) Spaceflame!

(4) Heroes of the Golden Age by YakGuardian (Michael J. Ahlers)

Heroes of the Golden Age

401) Wonderman

402) Mr. Q
(Operative 17)



NOTE: The following Heroes have been drawn in #YakStyle but do not have decks.

411) Black Cat

412) Scarlet Nemesis & Black Orchid

413) American Eagle

414) Spider Queen

415) Flying Fist

416) Atomic

417) Tomboy


Special Thanks to the team at Temporal Comics, especially Darrin Wiltshire (Publisher/Layouts),
Chris Malgrain (Profile Artist/Cover Artist), Julia Lye (Profile Writer), and Richard Boucher (1956-2018,
Darrin's partner in crime who never lived to see the first issue of Heroes of the Golden Age
reach print). Without their dedication to preserving these nearly-forgotten heroes, I would have
never heard of most of them.

Thanks also to DigitalComicMuseum. Com and which have allowed me to get the art and
story needed to bring 2 (so far) of these Heroes into the Sentinels Multiverse.



(6-9) Heroes by the founding members of the Custom Playtesting Discord

(6) Bastión Comics by Talkalots (John Ellis)

601) Nagual

602) Natureza

603) Raio

604) Torch

631) Astra

632) Beastmaster

633) IQ
.. ..
(7) Case Files by Bobbertoriley322 (Rob Brown)

701) Charlie

702) Tucker

703) Scout

704) Hopper

705) Jericho Moondancer
(8) Menagerie of the Multiverse by Insomn (Mike Williams)

801) Charade

802) Concord

803) Ghost Girl

804) Mercury

805) Radiance

811) Jason Quill

812) Otto

813) The Newmwn Duo

821) Space Bug
.. .. .. ..
(9) Spooky Ghostwriter Comics by Tesla Coil

901) Electrogeist

902) Escarlata

903) Gold Dragon

904) Tsukiko

905) Silhouette

906) Skimmer


Source #10 is reserved for special records within my database.


(11+) More Custom Heroes

(11) Adelphophage's Archives by Adelphophage (Michael Hunter)

1101) Executor

1102) Fusion

1103) Pantheon
(12) All Epic Comics by Talkalots (John Ellis)

1201) Astro Ape

1202) Caliber

1203) Cerebus

1204) Cosmonkey

1205) Coyote

1206) Graffiti

1207) Kayo

1208) Kodiak

1209) Lightfoot

1210) Nitro

1211) Ombre

1212) Rebound

1213) S.A.B.R.E.

1214) Saint James

1215) Shengu

1216) Shepherd

1217) Slapshot

1218) Surge

1219) Unit 9

1220) Xtreme Fung Fu
(13) Magical Girls by Zerami

1301) Magical Girl
of Courage

1302) Magical Girl
of Justice

1303) Magical Girl
of Happiness

1304) Magical Girl
of Love
(14) Mythikal Comics by Angille

1401) Athena

1402) NightMare
by Jetto

1403) Patina
by Cyber B

1404) Red Rifle

1405) Speedrunner

1406) Theurgy

1407) What's-Her-Face
by Blindfolded Monkey

1408) Captain Cain
by Mr Phantom

1409) Pecos Bill
by Kipple Snacks

1410) Spoiler
by Aron

1411) Supplicate
by Scru Loose

1412) Nexus

1413) Starblade


(15) Skydrive Comics by Mistillitain (Jeremy Hillis)

1501) Alius

1502) Ampere




1531) Varian Wrynn

1532) Jaina Proudmore

1551) Aranna Starseeker

1571) MegaMan

1591) Pikachu
(16) The Braithwhite Chronicles by Braithwhite (Chris Burton)

1601) The Aviators

1602) Code Monkey

1603) Gideon Castle

1604) Gremlin

1605) Red Mask
Chris Burton Minis:

1611) Mimic

1621) Timepeace

1631) Semi-Heroic
Baron Blade
(17) Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Alskandar19 (Alex Klein)

1701) Buffy

1702) Xander

1703) Willow

1704) Giles

1705) Spike

1706) Angel
.. .. .. ..
(18) Dark Black Comics by HatefulDarkBlack (Ted Pro)

1801) Parthenope

1802) Phocas
.. .. ..
(19) Daybreak by ChaseJYD

1901) Aeon Girl

1902) Headlong

1903) Muerto

1904) Muse

1905) Rockstar
(20) Raven & Turtle by Cryypter

2021) Chaoscade




(21) The Four by PWatson1974 (Paul Watson)

2101) Blade

2102) Dawn

2103) Nevermore

2104) Train
(22) Freedom Force by BGG Group Effort

2201) Ant

2202) Eve

2203) Law & Order

2204) Liberty Lad

2205) Man-Bot

2206) Man-O-War

2207) Minuteman

2208) Tombstone
(23) Galaxy Patrol by Rakaydos (Rakaydos Vashini)
2301) Commander Razik 2302) Navigator Cassandra
2303) StarshipVaemara

2304) T.A.C.
(24) Gatewatch (MtG) by Vadskye

2401) Ajani

2402) Chandra

2403) Garruk

2404) Gideon

2405) Jace

2406) Karn

2407) Lilianna

2408) Nissa

2409) Teferi

2410) River Heralds

2411) Brazen Coalition

2412) Huatli



(25) Arki's Assemblage by ArkiThe7th (Quinten Meyer)

2501) Mystery Twins

2511) Luz Noceda

2521) Alcatraz

2522) Bastille

2531) Marcy




(26) KillerShrike by

2601) Hype

2602) Hypothermic

2603) John Wrath

2604) Scything

2605) Warman
(27) Krumit's Tale by Vadskye

2701) Bruno

2702) Greybeard

2703) Mischief

2704) Muldorf

2705) Rose

2706) Varfa & Orhu
(28) Lost Girls by TakeWalker

2801) Jenny Sparklemuffin

2802) Lily Black

2803) Packrat

2804) Nekomancer

2805) Young Visionary
(29) Parallel Comics / Multiversal Madness by Zerami

2901) Amira Kira

2902) Joshua

2903) Miss Library

2904) Joyce

2905) Hopestar

2906) AY414

2907) Illari

2908) Lucia


(30) My Little Pony by TakeWalker

3001) Applejack

3002) Fluttershy

3003) Pinkie Pie

3004) Rainbow Dash

3005) Rarity

3006) Twilight Sparkle

3007) Prankster Pinkie Pie
.. .. ..
(31) Order of the Rose by FlatOnHisFace (Dennison Milenkaya)

3101) Alpha

3102) Bella

3103) Bruni

3104) Eirelle

3105) Guntar

3106) Rhianissa

3107) Scarlet
(32) Order of the Stick by Vadskye

3201) Belkar

3202) Durkon

3203) Elan

3204) Haley

3205) Roy

3206) Vaarsuvius
special thanks to Disavowed Paladin & Ruduen for
their help in getting the outfits & gear correct.
(33) Overtime Comics by BBG Group Effort

3301) Gravnos

3302) Haku & Flutter

3303) Turbulence
(35) Zerami's Miscellany by Zerami

3501) Glitch


3503) Hazel

3504) Wolfurra

3505) Frisk
(36) Pazuzumaki's Pile by Pazuzumaki (Ryan Thompson)

3601) Kali

3602) Magpie

3603) Crash
3651) Assembly

3652) Hardboil
.. ..
(37) Phantasy Comics by Phantaskippy (Geoffrey Benedict)

3701) Cartographer

3702) Code E

3703) Duality

3704) Flo

3705) Gnat

3706) Goro the Swordmaker

3707) Guardian

3708) Knuckles

3709) Samuri

3710) Shifty

3711) Star Wizard

3712) Tinkerer
Phantaskippy is also the creator of Magnificent Mara, who is now part of the Cauldron.

3712-b) Tinkerer of




(38) Ravnica by Vadskye -- Environments only
(39) Realms of the Multiverse by CMP139 (Corey Parker)

3901) The Traveler
.. .. .. ..
(40) Revolution by PWatson1974 (Paul Watson)

4001) Convoy

4002) Equinox

4003) Militia

4004) Null

4005) Rainbow
(41) Rough Ridersby Gold Chevron (Shane Donnelly)

4101) Alaia

4102) Atom Lass

4103) The Conductor

4104) Eulogy

4105) Maskirovka

4106) Merrimac

4107) Onset

4108) Rose Knight

4109) Solution
(42) She-Ra & the Princesses of Power by ArkiThe7th (Quinten Meyer)

4201) Adora

4202) Bow

4203) Catra

4204) Entrapta

4205) Frosta

4206) Glimmer

4207) Mermista

4208) Perfuma

4209) Scorpia

4210) Seahawk

4211) Shadow Weaver

4212) Spinnerella & Netosa

4213) Micha

(43) Spiffworld by Spiff -- Environments only
(44) Spiffworld Redux by DSMail (Dark Current) -- Environments only
(45) Steven Universe by ArkiThe7th (Quinten Meyer)

4501) Amethyst
4502) Crystal Gems
are Amethyst, Garnet,
Pearl, & Steven

4503) Garnet

4504) Lapis

4505) Pearl

4506) Peridot

4507) Steven & Connie
(46) Turbine Publishing by Bart KF

4601) Impulse

4602) Karma

4603) Rogue

4604) Torrent
4605) Goalie
4606) Labyrinth .. .. .. ..
(47) Union Comics by Paul Malchow

4701) Captain Jupiter

4702) Doctor Tomorrow

4703) Glorius Vishnu

4704) The Green Death

4705) Lady Sunbeam

4706) Odysseus

4707) Wrangler
(48) Vain Façade by Tonitrus (Dustan B.)

4801) Burgess

4802) Carnaval

4803) Friday

4804) Peacekeeper

4805) Push

4806) Sphere

4807) Fury

4808) Glyph

4809) Node

4810) Arctis

4811) Banshee

4812) Enber



(50) DragonWriter Comics by Zontan

5001) October Daye
.. .. .. ..

5011) Defect

5012) Ironclad

5013) Silent

5014) Watcher

5021) Ember

5022) Regdar
.. .. ..

5031) Nina

5032) Zontan

5033) Airia

5034) Horse




5041) Robyn
.. .. .. ..
(51) Sentinels in the Playground by Xallace

5101) Haze

5102) Refuse
(52) Sentinels of Ragnarok by Zerami

5201) Adam

5202) Lubu

5203) Sasski Kojiro

5204) Raiden

5205) Buddha

5206) Heracles




(53) The Interrogatives

5301) Doctor Who
(Yak Guardian)
5302) Doctor What
(Disavowed Paladin)

5303) Doctor When
(Lemee Adams)
5304) Doctor Where
5305) Doctor Why
(54) Sentinels of the Ammoverse

5401) Axe

5402) Invoker

5403) Windranger
Dark Souls:

5421) Chosen Undead
(55) Eyes on the Multiverse by WhiteEyes1989

5501) Ningguang

5502) Sayu

5503) Sweet Talker
.. ..
(56) Champions of the Multiverse by Koga

5601) H.E.R.O.

5602) Whiplash
(57) Critical Role by Doomslug

5701) Beau




5705) Jester





(58) Tales from the Multiverse by Disavowed Paladin & Lemee Adams

5801) Beta
5802) Buccaneer 5803) Database 5804) Hatchet 5805) Miss Monolith

5806) Nymbus
5807) Wave Man .. .. ..

5811) Arcanum
5812) Brio
5813) Entity

5814) Limbo
5815) Rogue Entity

5821) Derecho
5822) Seeker 5823) Synode 5824) Vasalisa ..

5831) Baron Heron
5832) Duchess Luscious 5833) Ferrous 5834) Lady Shade 5835) Mace
5836) Opportunist .. .. .. ..
(59) Chaos Strike by DragonsDream

5901) Oil

5902) Spegel

5903) Coruscate

5904) Gaslight

5905) Centaur

5906) Compass

5907) Quetzal

5911) Manatee

5912) Ragnarok

5913) Vaxine

5914) Pull

5921) Debris

5922) Hardlight

5923) Egress

5924) Corpse

5925) The Carpenter

5926) Refuse

5931) Boreal Blu

5932) Daughter

5933) Grapevine

5934) Pindrop

5935) Soulshine

5936) Pose
(60) Doctor McNinja by Vadskye

6001) Doctor McNinja

6002) Gordito



(61) Yu-Gi-Oh by Mistillitain (Jeremy Hillis)

6101) Elemental Hero Neos

6102) Jaden Yuki

6103) Jesse Anderson

6104) Leo

6105) Avendread Savior

6106) Seto Kaiba

6107) Yugi Muto

6108) Yusei Fudo

6109) Kaibaman

6110) Raye
(62) Lazy Fan Comix by Ruduen
.. ..
6203) Greyhat
.. ..
(63) Artifact Comics by Gaist & Gorus

6301) Antiquarian




(64) Studio Houstin by Lemee Adams (Leslie Fox)





(65) Ectopia by Jojo & Lemee Adams (Leslie Fox)





(66) Eternal Inquest by Lemee Adams (Leslie Fox)

6601) Backburner




(67) Silver Lining Comics by ArkiThe7th (Quinten Meyer)

6701) Banneret

6702) Nightingale

6703) Vigor

6704) Gimmick

6705) Tlaloc

6706) Undertaker




(68) Cornerstone Comics by BC56

6801) Argus

6802) Chance

6803) Heartbeat

6804) Hoplite

6805) Ninetails

6806) Price

6807) Reverse Engineer

6808) Scale

6809) Star Stone

(90) Yak's Miscellany
These are all completed decks that were either spur-of-the-moment random inspiration,
or decks that were part of a planned set that has since been abandoned.
Rather than spam the Miscellany section below (99), I've consolidated them here.

9001) Greatest American Hero
Crisis III: Crossing Back

9002) U.S.S. Enterprise
Crisis III: Crossing Back
9011) Olliebear
Kitties of the Multiverse

9012) Vincent Saint Vincent
Kitties of the Multiverse

9033) Assistant Librarian
Paragon Allies

9051) Sentinel
Sentinels of 1944
.. .. ..
Riftverse -- Phase I: Rift in Time and Space

9061) Annabelle

9062) Purple

9063) Salvagegirl

9064) Starship Twinkle

9065) Zenobia
Riftverse -- Phase II: Rift War

9066) Guardian of
Vanguard City

9067) Kokopelli
9069) Vulcan's Forge

9070) Zoe
Riftverse -- Phase III: Way of the Rift (i.e. the "Stranded" decks)

9071) Ishtar

9072) Stonefall

9073) Quasinda

9074) Toxica

9075) Zoth Drarok

9091) Quinley

9092) Emmy the Librarian

9093) Rescue Rangers

9094) XJ-22
(99) ...and the rest

9904) Geisha
(Leif Heanzo)

9905) Harry Dresden
Matt R.)

9906) Icegirl
(Johnny Guitar Watson)

9909) The Bug
(BBG Group Effort)

(Most Wanted
Marshal Rav Beaver)

9917) Comeback
(Jacob Busby)

9918) Commonwealth
(The Armory
Matthew Malecki)

9920) Satala Sorceress

9922) Tovera

9933) Spiderman
(Victor Mancha)

9935) Terawatt

9939) Enyo

9940) Phoenix Wright
.. ..

9943) Akemi Homura

9945) Dragon

9946) Wolf

9947) Powerpuff Girls



(120) Christmas Caper by YakGuardian (Michael J. Ahlers)

12025) Santa







Bonus (no decks exist, nor are planned, for these heroes)

Paonia Pawns (webcomic, 2005-2012)


.. .. ..
Freedom Five of Earth WS3320-08 (public domain characters)





Freedom Five of Earth SL1730-12 (stand-ins for heroes from the Distinguished Competition)





Power Gauntlet
(Cubic 34.1.22)
Heroes without Decks from abandoned projects

Dash Parr
& Jack-Jack
Crisis II:
Crossing Over

JJ Powell
& Daphne

Green Arrow
& Black Canary

& Bastion

Dream Zero
Crisis III:
Crossing Back

Crisis III:
Crossing Back
Giant Bulk

U.S. Legacy


Secret Squad
of 1944
The Paragons:

Cpl. Vorr


(Boardwalk Comics:)



Paragon Allies
Earworm is a behind-the-scenes, tactical support character who would have appeared in each of The Paragon's decks.

Horoscope Lad was a teen hero/sidekick in the Allied Comics universe before being erased from time saving all the other major heroes from Timetrap's final scheme. As this was intended to be the permanent end of the young hero, they saw no reason not to sell the rights when Boardwalk Comics approached them. After only a brief appearance there, Boardwalk Comics went bankrupt and sold their IP to Paragon Tales. PT held a vote for fans as to which two BC heroes should join their premiere team, The Paragons, but Horoscope Lad came in third. When Paragon Tales sold their company to Sentinel Comics, SC engaged Fantaji Manga Kokusai-teki to merge PT/BC content into the Allied Comics Imprint, and Horoscope Lad returned home. (Allied Comics having gone out of business several years earlier after a failed attempt at a big budget superhero movie, and subsequently sold their IP to SC.)

Horoscope Lad

Gemstone Comics:

501) Dan Diamond

502) Purple Panther

503) Bunny Hopper

504) Mindwipe

505) Ruin

Pnk Flmngo

Captain Inferno




Webpage and artwork copyright 2020-2024 Michael J. Ahlers.
Images created as an homage to my favorite game.
Sentinels of the Multiverse is the property of Greater Than Games. The Cauldron was created by Matthew Bishop. Earth Prime is the property of Green Ronin. All other items are the intellectual property of their respective creators.
No infringement on anyone's intellectual property rights is intended, nor should be inferred.