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[WS Events]  [WildStorm Rising]  [Fire From Heaven]

AllegraLogo.gif (18864 bytes)
Allegra1.JPG (36331 bytes)
Allegra1Gold.JPG (34164 bytes)
#1 Gold
Allegra2.JPG (26707 bytes)
Allegra3.JPG (28661 bytes)
Allegra4.JPG (31191 bytes)

Altered Image Logo
(all-Image crossover -- app: Majestic & others)
AlteredImage1.JPG (35546 bytes)
AlteredImage2.JPG (39082 bytes)
AlteredImage3.JPG (36240 bytes)
Includes appearance by the winners (#2) and runner-ups (#3) of the Wizard #80 "Smooshed Image Characters" contest.
AlteredImage3Back.JPG (34597 bytes)
#3 back cover

The Art of Chiodo logo
ArtOfChiodoTPB.JPG (28555 bytes)
Art of Chiodo
ArtOfChiodoHC.JPG (24719 bytes)
Art of Chiodo
(not to scale)

BlackOpsLogo.gif (28217 bytes)
BlackOps1.bmp (71106 bytes)
BlackOps2.bmp (71106 bytes)
BlackOps3.bmp (71106 bytes)
BlackOps4.bmp (71106 bytes)
BlackOps5a.bmp (71106 bytes)
#5, cover A
BlackOps5b.bmp (71106 bytes)
#5, cover B
BlackOpsTPB.bmp (71106 bytes)

Brass 1 Folio Brass Logo


Brass, v.1 #1, oversized Folio Edition (B&W interior art)

Brass1.JPG (39302 bytes)
v.1, #1
Brass2.JPG (35779 bytes)
v.1, #2
Brass3.JPG (30224 bytes)
v.1, #3
  BrassV2-1.JPG (29337 bytes)
v.2, #1
BrassV2-2.JPG (33019 bytes)
v.2, #2
BrassV2-3.JPG (35179 bytes)
v.2, #3
BrassV2-4.JPG (29457 bytes)
v.2, #4
BrassV2-5.JPG (25613 bytes)
v.2, #5
BrassV2-6.JPG (23153 bytes)
v.2, #6

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All of the titles, their logos, characters, and related indicia are ®, ™, and © Copyright 1992-2000 by WildStorm Productions, an imprint of DC Comics.

No infrigement on these rights is intended nor should be inferred; intended for the non-commercial use of fans of the WildStorm Universe of titles.